Daza et al. Spanish translation of DASS21


The principal reference for this translation is


Daza, Patricia; Novy, Diane M; Stanley, Melinda A; Averill, Patricia (2002).  The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21: Spanish translation and validation with a Hispanic sample.  Journal of Psychopathology & Behavioral Assessment, 24(3), 195-205.


See also


Daza, Patricia (2002).  The Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21: Spanish translation and validation with a Hispanic sample. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: the Sciences & Engineering. Vol 62(11-B), Jun 2002, 5368, US: Univ Microfilms International.


Novy, Diane M; Stanley, Melinda A; Averill, Patricia; Daza, Patricia (2001).  Psychometric comparability of English- and Spanish-language measures of anxiety and related affective symptoms. Psychological Assessment, 13(3), 347-355.



Download translated questionnaire


Scoring the questionnaire:  The items are in the same order as the English DASS21.  The scoring key will not match the layout of the Spanish questionnaire, but it will indicate which items contribute to each scale.  Remember to multiple scale totals by 2.  See Daza et al. (2002) for further information about scoring and norms.




Patricia Daza, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Department of Behavioral Science

The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

1515 Holcombe Blvd. Box 243

Houston, TX 77030

713-745-5716 wk  713-794-4730 fax

email:  pdaza@mdanderson.org


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