
Books and Book Chapters
Preparation/In press

  • McDonald, S., Ownsworth, O. & Wearne, T. The effect of traumatic brain injury on social cognition and self-awareness In Agrawal, N. & Jenkins, P. (Eds) Oxford Textbook of Traumatic Brain Injury.
  • McDonald, S., Wong, D. & Ownsworth, T. Interventions for Psychosocial and Emotional Sequelae of Brain Injury and Disease In G. G. Brown, B. Crosson, K. Y. Haaland, & T. Z. King (Eds.), APA handbook of neuropsychology: Vol. 2. Neuroscience and neuromethods. American Psychological Association.
  • McDonald, S. & Kelly, M. Assessing social cognition In Boyle, G.J., Stern, Y., Stein, D.J. & Sahakian, B. (Eds) The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology Sage.
  • McDonald, S. & Kelly, M. Evaluating social cognition. In G. G. Brown, B. Crosson, K. Y. Haaland, & T. Z. King (Eds.), APA handbook of neuropsychology: Vol. 2. Neuroscience and neuromethods. American Psychological Association.


  • McDonald, S. & Genova, H. (2021) The effect of severe traumatic brain injury on social cognition, emotion regulation and mood. In Heilman, K. & Nadeau, S. (Eds) Handbook of Clinical Neurology: Volume 183: Emotional disorders associated with neurological diseases.pp235-260. Elsevier
  • McDonald, S. (Ed) 2021 Clinical disorders of social cognition. Routledge: ISBN 9780367461195.
  • McDonald, S. & Kumfor, F. Introduction to social cognition in McDonald, S. (Ed) 2021 Clinical disorders of social cognition. Routledge: ISBN 9780367461195.
  • Kumfor, F. & McDonald, S. Social cognition: research methodologies and cross-cultural perspectives in McDonald, S. (Ed) 2021 Clinical disorders of social cognition. Routledge: ISBN 9780367461195.
  • Wearne, T., Kelly, M., & McDonald, S. Disorders of social cognition in adults with acquired brain injury in McDonald, S. (Ed) 2021 Clinical disorders of social cognition. Routledge: ISBN 9780367461195.
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S. & Pinkham, A. Assessing social cognition in adults in McDonald, S. (Ed) 2021 Clinical disorders of social cognition. Routledge: ISBN 9780367461195.


  • McDonald, S. and Cassels, A. Rehabilitation of social cognition in Wilson, B.A., Van Heugten, C., Winegardner, J. & Ownsworth, T. (Eds) International Handbook of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Psychology Press.


  • McDonald, S., Rushby, J., Kelly, M. & De Sousa, A. (2014) Disorders of emotion and social cognition in TBI. In Levin, H., Shum, D. & Chan, R. (Eds.) Traumatic Brain Injury: A review of the research and future directions, pp133-160, New York, Oxford University Press, ISBN 978-0-19-973752-9.


  • McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) (2013) Social and communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (2nd Edition). Hove, UK: Psychology Press. ISBN: 978-1-84872-129-6 (hbk)
  • McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. Social and communication disorders following traumatic brain injury. In McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) (2013) Social and communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (2nd Edition) p1-25, Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
  • McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. Traumatic Brain Injury: Basic features. In McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) (2013) Social and communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (2nd Edition) p26-48, Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
  • McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. The nature of cognitive deficits and psychosocial function following Traumatic Brain Injury In McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) (2013) Social and communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (2nd Edition), p48-88. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
  • Togher, L., McDonald, S., Coelho, C. & Byom, L. (2013) Cognitive communication disability following TBI: Examining discourse, pragmatics, behaviour and executive functioning In McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) Social and communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (2nd Edition), 89-118. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
  • McDonald, S., Honan, C., Kelly M., Byom, L. & Rushby, J. (2013) Disorders of social cognition and social behaviour in adults with TBI. In McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) (In Press) Social and communication disorders following traumatic brain injury (2nd Edition), p119-159, Hove, UK: Psychology Press.


  • McDonald, S., Turkstra, L. & Togher, L. (2012) Pragmatic Language Impairment after brain injury: Social Implications and treatment models. In Anderson, V. & Beauchamp, Developmental Social neuroscience: Contributions to Childhood Brain Disorders. Pp325-349. Guilford Press, ISBN: 978-1-4625-0429-9.


  • McDonald, S. & Togher, L. (2011) Traumatic Brain Injury. In. Hilari, K. & Botting, N. (Eds) The impact of communication disability across the lifespan. J&R Press. ISBN 978-1-907826-03-0


  • McDonald, S. (2008) Communication disorders following frontal lobe lesions. In B. Stemmer & H. A. Whitaker (Eds) Handbook of the neuroscience of language San Diego: Academic Press. pp 487-495.
  • McDonald, S. (2008) Social information processing difficulties in adults and implications for treatment. In Anderson, V., Jacobs, R. & Anderson, P. (Eds) Executive functions and the frontal lobes: A life span perspective. New York: Taylor and Francis. xxxiii, 541 pp 471-499


  • McDonald, S. (2007) The social and neuropsychological underpinnings of communication disorders after traumatic brain injury. In Ball, M.J & Damico, J. (Eds) Clinical Aphasiology- Future Directions. Sussex, UK: Psychology Press, xxvii 343 pp 42-71.
  • McDonald, S. (2007) Neuropsychological studies of sarcasm In Colston, H. & Gibbs, R. (Eds.) Irony in language and thought: A cognitive science reader: Lawrence Erlbaum. pp 217-230. ISBN 0-8058-6061-4, x 607 pp 217-230


  • McDonald, S. (Ed). (2000) Advances in understanding communication disorders after traumatic brain injury. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. ISBN 1-84169-900-4.


  • McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) (1999) Communication disorders following traumatic brain injury. Hove, UK: Psychology Press. ISBN 0-83677-724-4. An audit in 2006 indicated that this text is a prescribed reference in speech pathology and psychology courses in over 20 universities across the USA, UK, Canada and Australia
  • McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (1999) The nature of traumatic brain injury in McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) Communication disorders following traumatic brain injury. Pp 19 –54. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
  • Body, R., Perkins, M. & McDonald, S. (1999) Communication and cognition in McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) Communication disorders following traumatic brain injury. . Pp 81-112. Hove, UK: Psychology Press.
  • Togher, L., McDonald, S. & Code, C. (1999) Communication disorders after traumatic brain injury. In McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Code, C. (Eds) Communication disorders following traumatic brain injury. Pp 1-18, Hove, UK: Psychology Press.


  • McDonald, S. (1998) Communication and language disturbances following traumatic brain injury. In B. Stemmer & H. A. Whitaker (Eds) Handbook of Neurolinguistics. Pp 487 – 495. San Diego: Academic Press. ISBN 0-12-666955-7.


  • McDonald, S. (Guest Editor) Special Issue: Social Cognition Brain Impairment, 18 (1) Cambridge University Press.


  • McDonald, S. (Action Editor) Special series: The NIH Toolbox, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society July, 2014.


  • Togher, L. & McDonald, S. (Guest Editors) Special Issue: Neurogenic communication disorders. Brain Impairment, 2006, 7 (3)


  • McDonald, S. (Guest Ed) (2000) Special Edition: Advances in understanding communication disorders in traumatic brain injury. Aphasiology, 14(4).339-444. ISSN 0268-7038
Professional Reports, Technical Manuals, Tests and Databases
  • McDonald, S, Flanagan, S. & Rollins, J. (2017) The Awareness of Social Inference Test (3rd Edition) ASSBI Resources, Sydney, Australia. ISBN 978-0-6481461-0-0 (short-listed in 2003 for NIMH (USA) consensus battery for clinical trials of cognitive enhancing agents for schizophrenia; reported to be the most sensitive indicator to date of progressive FTD (Kipps et al, 2009, Brain); second (of 21) most highly recommended test of social cognition in schizophrenia (59 experts) (Pinkham et al, 2014).
  • McDonald, S., Flanagan, S. & Honan, C. (2017) The Awareness of Social Inference Test- Short. ISBN 978-0-6481461-1-7 ASSBI Resources, Sydney Australia.
  • Tate, R., Rosenkoetter,L., Wakim, D., Sigmundsdottir, L., Doubleday, J., Togher, L., McDonald, S. & Perdices, M., (2016) The Risk of Bias in N-of-1 Trials (RoBiNT) Scale: An Expanded Manual for the Critical Appraisal of Single-Case Reports: Sydney; Uni of Sydney
  • Hodgeson, J., Tate, R., McDonald, S. & Gertler, P. (2014) A CBT approach for treating social anxiety in adults with traumatic brain injury. ASSBI Resources,Sydney.
  • Bornhofen, C. & McDonald, S (2010) Reading a smile (and other great expressions). A manual for treating emotion perception disorders. ISBN: 978-0-646-52658-4. ASSBI Resources, Sydney, Australia.
  • Togher, L., McDonald, S., Tate, R., Power, E., Ylvisaker, M., & Rietdijk, R. (2010) TBI Express: A communication training program for everyday partners of people with traumatic brain injury. Sydney, ASSBI Resources
  • Togher, L., McDonald, S., Tate, R., Power, E., Ylvisaker, M., & Rietdijk, R. (2010) TBI Express: A communication training program for people with traumatic brain injury. Sydney, ASSBI Resources
  • Bray, R. & McDonald, S. (2010) Austin Maze; Sydney: ASSBI Resources, ISBN: 978-0-9870477-1-7.
  • McDonald, S., Bornhofen, C., Togher, L., Flanagan, S., Gertler, P. & Bowen, R. (2008) Improving first impressions: A step by step social skills program. Sydney: ASSBI Resources: ISBN: 978-0-9870477-2-4
  • Tate, R.L., Perdices, M., McDonald, S., & Togher, L. (2007) Final report to the Psychologists Registration Board. Developing resources for psychologists and supervisors working in the area of rehabilitation of acquired brain impairment. Rehabilitation Studies Unit, University of Sydney: Sydney
  • Tate RL, Perdices M, McDonald S, Togher L, Moseley A, Winders K, Kangas M, Schultz R, Smith K. (2004, July). Psychological Database for Brain Impairment Treatment Efficacy (PsycBITETM) Launched on the internet ( July 2004. (Externally reviewed by KPMG in 2007 with recommendation for ongoing funding)
  • McDonald, S. (1994) The Dice Game: a test of organisational skills in language. Sydney, School of Psychology UNSW
  • Lulham, J.M., McDonald, S. and Tate, R.L. (1990). Head Injuries on the North Coast of New South Wales. Report to NSW Department of Health, North Coast Region. 1-141
Publications in Refereed National and International Journals


  • Quang, H., Le Heron, C., Bellaine, B., Nguyen, T-V., Nguyen, T-Q, Nguyen, M-N., Kumfor, F., McDonald, S. Reduced Sensitivity to Background Reward Underlies Apathy after Traumatic Brain Injury: Insight from an Ecological Foraging Framework.
  • Kelly, M., Mierendorff, S.,Voeste, J.,Wales, K. & McDonald, S. The reliability of a telehealth-based assessment battery for older regional and rural dwelling adults.
  • Filipčíková, M., Wearne, T., & McDonald, S. Angry and disinhibited?: Investigating the relationship between the components of aggression and social disinhibition following severe TBI.
  • Filipcikova, M., Quang, H., Cassel, A., Darke, L., Wilson, E., Wearne, T., Rosenberg, H., McDonald, S. Exploring neuropsychological underpinnings of poor communication after traumatic brain injury: The role of apathy, disinhibition and social cognition.
  • Togher, L., Elbourn, E., Kenny, B., Honan, C., Power, E., Tate, R., McDonald, S., Holland. A., MacWhinney, B. Predictors of communication outcomes 2 years after severe Traumatic Brain Injury: A prospective longitudinal study.
  • Soo, C.A., Tate, R.L., Catroppa, C., Benson, S., Lee, K., McDonald, S., Rapee, R., Waugh, M-C., & Anderson, V. A randomised controlled trial of cognitive behavioural therapy for managing anxiety in adolescents with acquired brain injury.
  • Anderson, V., Beauchamp, M., Dooley, D., Turkstra, L., McDonald, S., Darby, D., Darling, S. Characterizing social profiles for children with neurodevelopmental and mental health diagnoses using the Pediatric Evaluation of Emotions, Relationships and Socialisation.
  • Blaydon, D., McDonald, S., Filipicova, M. & Wearne, T. Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Lowers Physiological Arousal During Training but Not During Psychosocial Stress.
  • Fowler, S.C., Anderson, V.A., Darling, S.J., Dooley, J.J., Hearps, S.J.C., Darby, D.J., McDonald, S., Turkstra, L., Brown, A., Crossley, L.H., Thompson, E.J., Charalambous, G., Beauchamp, M.H. Predictive Factors of Moral Reasoning Ability.

In Press

  • Jarsch, M., Piguet, O., Berres, M., Sluka, C., Kressig, R.W., Monsch, A.U., McDonald, S. & Sollberger, M., Development of the Basel Version of the Awareness of Social Inference Test – Theory of Mind (BASIT-ToM): Preliminary Validation Analyzes in Healthy Adults. Journal of Neuropsychology (Accepted 7 September 2022)
  • Quang, H., McDonald, S., Huynh-Le, P., Nguyen, T-V, Nguyen, N-A., Lam-Nguyen, N-T., Kumfor, F. Distinct influence of intrinsic and extrinsic reward sensitivity in apathy: Evidence from moderate to severe traumatic brain injury Neuropsychology (Accepted August 2022)


  • Chen, W., Wearne, T., McDonald, S., & Grisham, J Interpersonal functioning in hoarding: understanding the relationship between hoarding symptoms and social support, social anhedonia, and social rewards. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports 8,100313.
  • McDonald, S., Wearne, T. & Kelly, M. Calling on clinicians to get social and emotional The Clinical Neuropsychologist DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2022.2085176.
  • Jarsch, M., Bartsch, K., Berres, M., Ryf, I., Jurisic, K., Sluka, C., Kressig, R.W., Monsch, A.U., McDonald, S., Piguet, O., Sollberger, M. (2022) The Basel Version of the Awareness of Social Inference Test – Emotion Recognition (BASIT-ER): Preliminary Validation Analyses in Healthy Subjects. Neuropsychology, 36 (2) 175-184 doi: 10.1037/neu0000786.
  • Quang, H., McDonald, S., Huynh-Le, P., Nguyen, T-V, Nguyen, N-A., Lam-Nguyen, N-T., Kumfor, F. (2022) Apathy in a High Prevalence Population of Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: An Investigation in Vietnam Neuropsychology, 36 (1), 94-102: doi: 10.1037/neu0000781.
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S., Wallis, K. (2022) I may be old but I am still feeling it: Empathy across the ages. Neuropsychology, 36(2) 116-127
  • Quang, H., Sin, K., Kumfor, F., McDonald, S. (2022) Adaption, validation and preliminary standardization of the Frontal Systems Behaviour Scale – Apathy subscale and the Dimensional Apathy Scale in Vietnamese healthy samples, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 28 (3), 300-310; DOI: 10.1017/S135561772100031X.


  • Turner, J., Lim, C.K., van der Mei, I., Ahuja, K., McDonald, S., Scott, J., Padgett, C., Francis, H. & Honan, C. (2021) Innate immunity impacts social-cognitive functioning in people with multiple sclerosis and healthy individuals: Implications for IL-1ra and urinary immune markers. Brain Behavior, Immunity – Health. doi: 10.1016/j.bbih.2021.100254. eCollection 2021 Jul.
  • Wearne, T.A., Logan, J.A., Trimmer, E.M., Wilson, E., Filipcikova, M., Kornfeld, E., Rushby, J.A. & McDonald, S. (2021) Regulating emotion following severe traumatic brain injury: a randomised control trial of heart-rate variability biofeedback training. Brain Injury, 35 (11) 1390-1401.
  • Filipčíková, M., Wearne, T., Li, R., & McDonald, S. (2021) The predictors, prevalence, associated symptoms and outcomes of social disinhibition following severe TBI: A systematic scoping review of quantitative evidence. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 43(7), 716-736.
  • Chen, W., McDonald, S., Wearne, T., & Grisham, J. (2021) Investigating associations between hoarding symptoms and affective and cognitive empathy British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 60 (2)177-193. DOI:
  • Wallis, K., Kelly, M., McRae, S., McDonald, S., Campbell, L. (2021) Scoping Review of Domains and Measures of Social Cognition in Acquired Brain Injury. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2021.1933087.
  • Rushby, J.A., De Blasio, F.M., Logan, J.A., Wearne, T., Kornfeld, E., Wilson, E.J., Loo, C., Martin, D. & McDonald, S. (2021) tDCS effects on task-related activation and working memory performance in traumatic brain injury: a within group randomised controlled trial. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 31 (5), 814-836 DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2020.1733620.
  • Wearne, T. & McDonald, S. (2021) Social cognition vs emotional intelligence in first episode psychosis: Are they the same? Psychological Medicine, 51 (7) 1229-1230: DOI: 10.1017/S0033291720000185.


  • Khosdelazad, S., Jorna, L.S., McDonald , S., Rakers , S.E., Huitema, R.B., Buunk, A.M. & Spikman, J. (2020) Comparing static and Dynamic Emotion Recognition Tests: Performance of Healthy Participants. POLS one. 15 (10) e0241297
  • Wearne, T., McDonald, S., Rushby, J., Wilson, E.J., Osborne-Crowley, K., Logan, P. (2020) Understanding how others feel: evaluating the relationship between empathy and various aspects of emotion recognition following severe traumatic brain injury Neuropsychology , 34(3), 288–297.
  • Cassel, A., McDonald, S. & Kelly, M. (2020) Establishing ‘proof of concept’ for a novel social cognition group treatment program (SIFT IT) after traumatic brain injury: Two case studies. Brain Injury, 34 (13-14): 1781-1793:
  • Genova, H. & McDonald, S. (2020) Social Cognition in Individuals with Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: A Pilot Study using TASIT. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26 (5), 539-544. DOI: 10.1017/S1355617719001371.
  • McDonald, S., Wilson, E., Wearne, T., Darke, L.,Cassel, A., and Rosenberg, H. The Complex Audio Emotion Assessment TASK (CAVEAT): development of a shorter version for clinical use. Disability and Rehabilitation DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2020.1803425.
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S. (2020) Assessing Social Cognition in People with a Diagnosis of Dementia: Development of a Novel Screening Task, the Brief Assessment of Social Skills (BASS-D) Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 42 (2), 185-198, /10.1080/13803395.2019.1700925.
  • Osborne-Crowley, K., Wilson, E., De Blasio, F., Wearne, T., Rushby, J. & McDonald, S. (2020) Empathy for people with similar experiences: Can the perception-action model explain empathy impairments after traumatic brain injury? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 42 (1): 28-41, doi: 10.1080/13803395.2019.1662375.
  • Wearne, T., Anderson, V., Catroppa, C., Morgan, A., Ponsford, J., Tate, R.L., Ownsworth, T., Togher, L., Fleming, J., Douglas, J., Sigmundsdottir, L., Francis, H., Honan, C. & McDonald, S. (2020) Psychosocial functioning following Moderate-to-Severe Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Recommended Outcome Instruments for Research and Remediation Studies Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 30 (5) 973-987. doi:10.1080/09602011.2018.1531768.


  • Chia, A.A., Power, E., Kenny, B., Elbourne, E., McDonald, S., Tate. R., MacWhinney, B., Turkstra, L., Holland, A., & Togher, L., (2019) Patterns of early conversational recovery for people with traumatic brain injury and their communication partners. Brain Injury, 33 (5) 690-698.
  • Wearne, T. A., Lucien, A., Trimmer, E. M., Logan, J. A., Rushby, J., Wilson, E., . . . McDonald, S. (2019). Anxiety sensitivity moderates the subjective experience but not the physiological response to psychosocial stress. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 141, 76-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.04.012.
  • Osborne-Crowley, K., Wilson, E., De Blasio, F., Wearne, T., Rushby, J., McDonald, S. (2019) Preserved rapid conceptual processing of emotional expressions despite reduced neuropsychological performance following traumatic brain injury, 33 (6), Neuropsychology, 872-882.
  • McDonald, S., Trimmer, E., Newby, J., Grant, S., Gertler, P. & Simpson, G. (2019) Providing support to families of people with TBI and challenging behaviour: A feasibility study Neuropsychological Rehabilitation DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2019.1696846.
  • Osborne-Crowley, K., Wilson, E., De Blasio, F., Wearne, T., Rushby, J. & McDonald, S. (2019) Subjective emotional experience and physiological responsivity to posed emotions in people with traumatic brain injury Neuropsychology 33 (8) 1151-1162. doi: 10.1037/neu0000580.
  • McDonald, S., Dalton, K., Rushby, J. & Landin-Romero, R. (2019) Loss of white matter connections after severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its relationship to social cognition. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 13 (3), 819-829
  • Theodom, A., McDonald, S., Starkey, N., Barker-Collo, S., Jones, K., Ameratunga, S., Wilson, E. & Feigin, V. (2019) Social Cognition Four Years after mild-TBI: An age-matched prospective longitudinal cohort study. Neuropsychology doi: 10.1037/neu0000516. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Wearne, T., Osborne-Crowley, K., Rosenberg, H., Dethier, M., Kessels, R., Blairy, S., Westbrook, F., & McDonald, S. (2019) Emotional recognition depends on subjective emotional experience and not on facial expressivity: evidence from traumatic brain injury Brain Injury 33 (1), 12-22. DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2018.1531300.
  • Elbourn, E., Kenny, B., Power, E., Honan, C.A., McDonald, S., Tate, R., Holland, A., MacWhinney, B., & Togher, L. (2019) Discourse recovery after severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Exploring the first year. Brain Injury, 33 (2) 143-159.
  • Vakil, E., McDonald, S., Vardi-Shapiro, N. and Allen, S.K. (2019) Facial expressions yielding context memory effect: The additive contribution of eye movements. Acta Psychologica, 192, 138-145 doi:10.1016/j.actpsy.2018.11.008.
  • Cassel, A., McDonald, S., Kelly, M., & Togher, L. (2019) Learning from the minds of others: A review of social cognition treatments and their relevance to traumatic brain injury Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 29 (1) 22-55, http://dx.doi: 10.1080/09602011.2016.1257435 Cited 19 times within a year of publication.
  • Rosenberg, H., McDonald, S., Westbrook, R.F., & Rosenberg, J. (2019) Measuring emotion perception following traumatic brain injury: The Complex Audio Visual Emotion Assessment Task (CAVEAT) Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 29 (2), 232-250.
  • Honan, C.A., McDonald, S., Tate, R.L., Ownsworth, T., Togher, L., Fleming, J., Anderson, V., Catroppa, C., Douglas, J., Francis, H., Wearne, T., Ponsford, J. (2019) Recommendations for the use of Psychosocial Outcome Measures in Traumatic Brain Injury Research Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 29(6), 896-916. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1339616.


  • Tran, S., Kenny, B., Power, E., Tate, R., McDonald, S., Heard, R., & Togher, L.. (2018) Cognitive-communication and psychosocial functioning 12 months after severe traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 2018. 32(13-14): p. 1700-1711.
  • Rosenberg, H., McDonald, S., Westbrook, R.F., & Rosenberg, J. (2018) Amused, flirting or simply baffled? Is recognition of all emotions affected by Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)? Journal of Neuropsychology 12(2) 145-164 DOI: 10.1111/jnp.12109
  • Thompson E.J., Beauchamp, M.H., Darling, S.J., Hearps, S.J.C., Brown, A., Charalambous, G., Crossley, L., Darby, D., Dooley, J.J., Greenham, M., Jaimangal, M., McDonald, S., Muscara, F., Turkstra, L. and Anderson, V.A. (2018) Protocol for a prospective school-based standardization study of a digital social skills assessment tool for children: The Paediatric Evaluation of Emotions, Relationships, and Socialisation (PEERS) Study. BMJ Open, 8(2), e016633. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016633
  • Stubbs, E., Togher, L., Kenny, B., Fromm, D., Forbes, M., MacWhinney, B., McDonald, S., Tate, R.L., Turkstra, L., Holland, A.& Power, E. (2018) Procedural discourse performance in adults with severe traumatic brain injury at 3 and 6 months post injury, Brain Injury, 32(2), 167-181. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2017.1291989.
  • McDonald, S., Rushby, J., Dalton, K., Landin-Romero, R., Parkes, N. (2018) The role of the corpus callosum in social cognition deficits after severe traumatic brain injury Social Neuroscience, 13(4) 471-479. DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2017.1356370
  • Osborne-Crowley, K. and McDonald, S. (2018) A review of social disinhibition after traumatic brain injury, Journal of Neuropsychology, 12(2), 176-199. DOI:10.1111/jnp.12113


  • McDonald, S., Honan, C., Allen, S.K., El-Helou, R., Kelly, M., Kumfor, F., Piguet, O., Hazelton, J.L., Padgett, C., Keage, H.A. Normal adult and adolescent performance on TASIT-S, a short version of The Assessment of Social Inference Test The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 32(4) 700-719. doi: 10.1080/13854046.2017.1400106
  • Honan, C.A., McDonald, S., Tate, R.L., Ownsworth, T., Togher, L., Fleming, J., Anderson, V., Catroppa, C., Douglas, J., Francis, H., Wearne, T., Ponsford, J. (2017) Recommendations for the use of Psychosocial Outcome Measures in Traumatic Brain Injury Research Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 1-21. doi: 10.1080/09602011.2017.1339616.
  • McDonald, S. (2017) Emotions are rising: The growing field of affect neuropsychology Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 23(9-10): 719-731. doi: 10.1017/S1355617717000844 Selected for APA sponsored Continuing Education for psychologists in the USA
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S. and Frith, M. (2017) A survey of clinicians working in brain injury rehabilitation: Are social cognition impairments on the radar? Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation 32(4), E55-E65
  • Trimmer, E., McDonald, S., Rushby, J. & Kelly, M. (2017) The psychophysiological and psychological effects of ostracism in adults with ASD. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47(80), 2326-2335
  • Kumfor, F., Honan, C., McDonald, S., Hazelton, J., Hodges, JR., & Piguet, O. (2017) Assessing the social brain in dementia: Applying TASIT-S Cortex, 93,166-177
  • Avramović, P., Kenny, B., Power, E., McDonald, S., Tate, R., Hunt, L., . . . Togher, L. (2017). Exploring the relationship between cognition and functional verbal reasoning in adults with severe traumatic brain injury at six months post injury. Brain Injury, 31(4), 502-516. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2017.1280854
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S., Rushby, J. (2017) Ostracism and physiological arousal following Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Injury, 31(4), 550-559
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S., Frith, M.J.H. (2017) Assessment and rehabilitation of social cognition impairment after brain injury: Surveying practices of clinicians. Brain Impairment, 18(1), 11-13.
  • Honan, C., Allen, S., Fisher, A., Osborne-Crowley, K. & McDonald, S. (2017) Social disinhibition: Piloting a new clinical measure in individuals with traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 18 (1), 74-87
  • McDonald, S. (2017) What’s new in the clinical management of disorders of social cognition? Brain Impairment, 18 (1) 2-10.
  • Francis, H.M., Osborne-Crowley, K.L. & McDonald, S. (2017) Validity and reliability of a questionnaire used to assess social skills in traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 31 (3), 336-343. DOI:10.1080/02699052.2016.1250954
  • Trimmer, E., McDonald, S. & Rushby, J. (2017) Not knowing what I feel: Emotional Empathy in Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism, 21 (4) 450-457; DOI: 10.1177/1362361316648520
  • McDonald, S., Fisher, A., Flanagan, S. and Honan, C. (2017) Impaired perception of sincerity after severe traumatic brain injury Journal of Neuropsychology, 11 (2), 291-307 doi:10.1111/jnp.12086


  • Tate, R.L., Perdices, M., Rosenkoetter, U., McDonald, S., Togher, L., Shadish, W., Horner, R., Kratochwill, T., Barlow, D.H., Kazdin, A., Sampson, M., Shamseer, L., Vohra, S., for the SCRIBE Group (2016) The Single-Case Reporting guideline In BEhavioural Interventions (SCRIBE 2015): Explanation and Elaboration. Archives of Scientific Psychology, 4, 10-31. DOI:
  • Osborne-Crowley, K., McDonald, S. (2016) Hyposmia, not emotion perception, predicts social disinhibition after severe traumatic brain injury, Neuropsychology 30(7) 820-829.
  • Rushby, J., McDonald, S., Fisher, A.C., Kornfeld, E.J., De Blasio, F.M., Parks, N., Piguet, O. (2016), Brain volume loss contributes to arousal and empathy dysregulation following severe traumatic brain injury. Neuroimage: Clinical 12, 607-614,
  • Brassel, S., Kenny, B., Power, E., Elbourn, E., McDonald, S., Tate, R., MacWhinney, B., Tursktra, L., Holland, A., Togher, L. (2016) Conversational topics discussed by individuals with severe traumatic brain injury and their communication partners during sub-acute recovery. Brain Injury DOI: 10.1080/02699052.2016.1187288
  • Tate, R.L., Perdices, M., Rosenkoetter, U., Shadish, W., Vohra, S., Barlow, D.H., Horner, D., Kazdin, A., Kratochwill, T., McDonald, S., Sampson, M., Shamseer, L., Togher, L., Albin, R., Backman, C., Douglas, J., Evans, J.J., Gast, D., Manolov, R., Mitchell, G., Nickels, L., Nikles, J., Ownsworth, T., Rose, M., Schmid, C., Wilson, B., (2016) The Single-Case Reporting guideline In BEhavioural interventions (SCRIBE) 2015 Statement Archives of Scientific Psychology, 4, 1-9.
    For the purpose of broad dissemination, the above article is co-published in an additional nine journals:
    - American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 70(4), 1-11
    - Aphasiology, 30(7), 862-876
    - Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 83(3), 184-195
    - Evidence-based Communication Assessment and Intervention, 10(1), 44-58
    - Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 73, 142-152
    - Journal of School Psychology, 56, 133-142
    - Neuropsychological Rehabilitation,
    - Physical Therapy, 96(7), e1-e11
    - Remedial and Special Education, DoI: 10.1177/0741932516652893
  • Togher, L., McDonald, S., Tate, R., Rietdijk, R., & Power, E. (2016) The effectiveness of social communication partner training for adults with severe chronic TBI and their families using a measure of perceived communication ability Neurorehabilitation, 38 (3), 243-25.5
  • Honan, C. A., McDonald, S., Sufani, C., Hine, D. W., & Kumfor, F. (2016). The awareness of social inference test: development of a shortened version for use in adults with acquired brain injury. Clinical Neuropsychologist, 30 (2) 243-264. doi:10.1080/13854046.2015.1136691
  • Osborne-Crowley, K., McDonald, S., & Rushby, J. A. (2016). Role of Reversal Learning Impairment in Social Disinhibition following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 22(3), 303-313. doi:10.1017/S1355617715001277
  • Osborne-Crowley, K., McDonald, S., & Francis, H. (2016). Development of an observational measure of social disinhibition after traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 38(3), 341-353. doi:10.1080/13803395.2015.1115824
  • Francis, H. M., Fisher, A., Rushby, J. A., & McDonald, S. (2016). Reduced heart rate variability in chronic severe traumatic brain injury: Association with impaired emotional and social functioning, and potential for treatment using biofeedback. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 26(1), 103-125. doi:10.1080/09602011.2014.1003246
  • McDonald, S.1, Fisher, A., & Flanagan, S. (2016). When diplomacy fails: difficulty understanding hints following severe TBI Aphasiology,30(7), 801-814 doi:10.1080/02687038.2015.1070948


  • Mann K, Power E, Barnes S, McDonald S, Tate R, Togher L (2015) Questioning in conversations before and after communication partner training in individuals with traumatic brain injury Aphasiology, 29 (9) 1082-1109 (Tate and McDonald added as authors: Corrigendum: Aphasiology, (2016) 30(7):877-877)
  • Honan, C. A., McDonald, S., Gowland, A., Fisher, A., & Randall, R. K. (2015). Deficits in comprehension of speech acts after TBI: The role of theory of mind and executive function. Brain and Language, 150, 69-79. doi:10.1016/j.bandl.2015.08.007
  • Pagan, E., Ownsworth, T., McDonald, S., Fleming, J., Honan, C., & Togher, L. (2015). A Survey of Multidisciplinary Clinicians Working in Rehabilitation for People with Traumatic Brain Injury. Brain Impairment, 16(3), 173-195. doi:10.1017/BrImp.2015.34
  • Rosenberg, H., Dethier, M., Kessels, R.P.C., Westbrook, R.F. & McDonald, S. (2015) Emotion Perception After Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: The Valence Effect and the Role of Working Memory, Processing Speed, and Nonverbal Reasoning, Neuropsychology 29(4), 509-21. doi:10.1037/neu0000171.
  • Kangas, M., McDonald, S., Williams, R.J. and Smee, R.I. (2015) Acceptance and Commitment Therapy Program for Distressed Adults with a Primary Brain Tumor: A Case-Series Study. Supportive Care in Cancer 23(10), 2855-9. doi: 10.1007/s00520-015-2804-8.
  • Francis, H., Penglis, K. and McDonald, S. (2015) Manipulation of heart rate variability can modify responses to anger inducing stimuli. Social Neuroscience, 22, 1-8
  • McDonald, S., Fisher, A., Togher, L., Tate, R., Rushby, J., English, T., Kelly, M., Mathersul, D., Foriech, F. & Francis, H. (2015) Adolescent performance on The Awareness of Social Inference Test: TASIT. Brain Impairment 16 (1) 3-18 doi:10.1017/BrImp.2015.7
  • McDonald, S. (2015). Facing the challenges of single-case experimental methodology. Aphasiology, 29(5), 575-580. doi:10.1080/02687038.2014.987051
  • Honan, C. A., McDonald, S., & Fisher, A. (2015). Visuospatial Learning in Traumatic Brain Injury: An Examination of Impairments using the Computerised Austin Maze Task. Brain Impairment, 16 (1) 19-27. doi:10.1017/BrImp.2015.3
  • Fisher, A. C., Rushby, J. A., McDonald, S., Parks, N., & Piguet, O. (2015). Neurophysiological correlates of dysregulated emotional arousal in severe traumatic brain injury. Clinical Neurophysiology, 126(2), 314-324. doi:10.1016/j.clinph.2014.05.033
  • Finn, M., & McDonald, S. (2015). Repetition-lag training to improve recollection memory in older people with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. A randomized controlled trial. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 22(2), 244-258. doi:10.1080/13825585.2014.915918


  • Pell, M. D., Monetta, L., Rothermich, K., Kotz, S. A., Cheang, H. S., & McDonald, S. (2014). Social perception in adults with Parkinson’s disease.. Neuropsychology, 28(6), 905-916. doi:10.1037/neu0000090
  • Rosenberg, H., McDonald, S., Dethier, M., Kessels, R.P.C. & Westbrook, R.F. (2014) Facial emotion recognition deficits following a Traumatic Brain Injury: Re-examining the valence effect and the role of intensity Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 20 (10) 994-1003.
  • Westerhof – Evers, H.J., Visser-Keizer, A.C., McDonald, S. & Spikman, J. (2014) Performance of healthy subjects on an ecologically valid test for social cognition: the short, Dutch version of The Awareness of Social Inference Test (TASIT) Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 36 (10), 1031-41 DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2014.966661
  • McDonald, S., Gowland, A., Randall, R.K., Fisher, A., Osborne-Crowley, K. & Honan, C. (2014) Cognitive factors underpinning poor expressive communication skills after traumatic brain injury: Theory of Mind or poor executive function? Neuropsychology, 28, 801-811 doi: 10.1037/neu0000089
  • Finn, M. & McDonald, S. (2014) A single case study of Computerised Cognitive Training for Older persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment, Neurorehabilitation 35, 261-270.
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S., Kellet, D., 2014. Development of a novel task for investigating decision making in a social context following traumatic brain injury Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 36, 897-913.
  • Tate, R.L., Perdices, M., McDonald, S., Togher, L. & Rosenkoetter, U. (2014) The conduct and report of single-case research: strategies to improve the quality of the neurorehabilitation literature Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 24 (3-4): 315-331, DOI:10.1080/09602011.2013.875043


  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S., & Kellett, D. (2013). The psychological effects of ostracism following traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 27(13-14), 1676-1684 DOI: 10.3109/02699052.2013.834381
  • Iredale, J., Rushby, J.A., McDonald, S., Dimoska, A. & Swift, J. (2013) Emotion In Voice Matters: Neural Correlates of Emotional Prosody Perception International Journal of Psychophysiology, 89(3), 483-490 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2013.06.025
  • Rushby, J.A., McDonald, S., Randall, R., de Sousa, A., Trimmer, E. & Fisher, A. (2013) Impaired emotional contagion following severe traumatic brain injury. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 89(3), 466-474 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2013.06.013
  • Rushby, J. A., Fisher, A. C., McDonald, S., Murphy, A., & Finnigan, S. (2013). Autonomic and neural correlates of dysregulated arousal in severe traumatic brain injury. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 89(3), 460-465 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2013.05.009
  • Mathersul, D., McDonald, S., Rushby, J.A. (2013) Autonomic arousal explains social cognitive abilities in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder, International Journal of Psychophysiology, 89(3), 475-482 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2013.04.014
  • Tate, R. L., Perdices, M., Rosenkoetter, U., Wakim, D., Godbee, K., Togher, L., & McDonald, S. (2013). Revision of a method quality rating scale for single-case experimental designs and n-of-1 trials: The 15-item Risk of Bias in N-of-1 Trials (RoBiNT) Scale. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 23(5), 619-638 DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2013.824383
  • Togher, L., McDonald, S., Tate, R., Power, E. & Rietdijk, R. (2013) Training communication partners of people with severe traumatic brain injury improves everyday conversations: A multicenter single blind clinical trial. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine, 45 (7), 637-645, doi: 10.2340/16501977-1173
  • Mathersul, D., McDonald, S., Rushby, J.A. (2013) Automatic facial responses to briefly presented emotional stimuli in autism spectrum disorder, Biological Psychology, 94 (2) 397-407 DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsycho.2013.08.004
  • Mathersul, D., McDonald, S. & Rushby, J.A. (2013) Understanding advanced theory of mind in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorders. Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35 (6), 655-668. DOI: 10.1080/13803395.2013.809700
  • Dethier, M. Blairy, S., Rosenberg, H. & McDonald, S. (2013) Deficits in processing feedback from emotional behaviours following severe TBI. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 19 (4) pp. 367-379. DOI: 10.1017/S1355617712001555
  • McDonald, S., Darke, S., Kaye, S. & Torok, M. (2013) Deficits in social perception in opioid maintenance patients, abstinent opioid users and non-opioid users, Addiction, 108(3), 566-574. DOI: 10.1111/add.12040
  • McDonald, S., English, T., Randall, R., Longman, T., Togher, L. & Tate, R.L. (2013) Assessing social cognition and pragmatic language in adolescents with brain injuries. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 19, 1-11. DOI: 10.1017/S1355617713000039
  • McDonald, (2013) S. Impairments in social cognition following severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 19, 231-246 doi:10.1017/S1355617712001506 * Used for Continuing Education credits for USA based neuropsychologists 2013
  • Mathersul, D., McDonald, S., Rushby, J. (2013) Psychophysiological correlates of social judgement in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 87(1), 88-94. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2012.11.005
  • Mathersul, D., McDonald, S, & Rushby, J. (2013) Automatic facial responses to affective stimuli in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder Physiology and Behaviour, 109 (1), 14-22. DOI: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2012.10.008
  • McDonald, S., Togher, L., Tate, R., Randall, R., English, T. & Gowland, A. (2013) Trialing a brief intervention for deficits in recognising emotional prosody following severe ABI. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 23(2), 267-286 DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2012.751340.


  • Dethier, M., Blairy, S., Rosenberg, H. & McDonald, S. (2012) Spontaneous and Posed Emotional Facial Expressions Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34 (9), 936-947.
  • McDonald, S., Togher, L., Tate, R., Randall, R., English, T. & Gowland, A. (2012) Trialing a brief intervention for deficits in recognising emotional prosody following severe ABI. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation: An International Journal, DOI: 10.1080/09602011.2012.751340,;
  • McDonald, S., Anderson, V., Ponsford, J., Tate, R., Togher, L., Morgan, A., Fleming, J., Ownsworth, T., Douglas, J. & Murdoch, B. (2012) Moving Ahead: A new centre of research excellence in brain recovery, focusing on psychosocial reintegration following traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 13 (2), 256-270
  • Togher, L., Power, E., Rietdijk, R., McDonald, S. & Tate, R. (In Press) An exploration of participant experience of a communication training program for people with traumatic brain injury and their communication partners, Disability and Rehabilitation, 34 (18) 1562-1574.
  • Henderson, L., Stathis, A., James, C., McDonald, S. & Macefield, V.G (2012) Real-time imaging of cortical areas involved in the generation of increases in skin sympathetic nerve activity when viewing emotionally charged images, NeuroImage, 62 (1) 30-40.
  • Darke, S., McDonald, S., Kaye, S. & Torok, M. (In press) Comparative patterns of cognitive performance amongst opioid maintenance patients, abstinent opioid users and non-opioid users. Drug and Alcohol Dependence.126 (3), 309-315
  • Darke, S, McDonald, S., Kaye, S. & Torok, M. (2012) Prevalence and correlates of traumatic brain injury amongst heroin users. Addiction Theory and Research, 20 (6), 522-528. DOI: 10.3109/16066359.2012.672600
  • De Sousa, A., McDonald, S. & Rushby, J. (2012) Changes in emotional empathy, affective responsivity and behaviour following severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 34 (6), 606-623.
  • McDonald, S. (2012) New frontiers in neuropsychological assessment: Assessing social perception using a standardised instrument, The Awareness of Social Inference Test (TASIT) Australian Psychologist, 47, 39-48
  • Mowszowski, L., McDonald, S., Wang, D. & Bornhofen, C. (2012) Preferential processing of threatening facial expressions using the repetition blindness paradigm Cognition and Emotion, 26 (7), 1238-1255.
  • Kelly, M., McDonald, S., Rushby, J. (2012) All Alone with Sweaty Palms - Physiological Arousal and Ostracism. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 83 (3), 309-314


  • Finn, M. & McDonald, S. (2011) Computerised Cognitive Training for Older persons with Mild Cognitive Impairment. A pilot study using a randomised controlled trial design Brain Impairment, 12, 187-199
  • McDonald, S., Rosenfeld, J., Henry, J.D. & Bornhofen, C. , Tate, R.L. & Togher, L. (2011) Emotion perception and alexithymia in people with severe traumatic brain injury: One disorder or two? A preliminary investigation. Brain Impairment, 12, 165-178
  • McDonald, S., Rushby, J., Li, S, de Sousa, A., Dimoska, A. James, C.M., Tate, R. & Togher, L. (2011) The influence of attention and arousal on emotion perception in people with severe Traumatic Brain Injury. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 82, 124-131. doi: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2011.01.014
  • McDonald, S., Saad, A., & James, C. (2011) Social decorum following severe traumatic brain injury: Loss of implicit knowledge or loss of control? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33, 619-630
  • Kangas, M. & McDonald, S. (2011) Is it Time to Act? The potential of Acceptance and Commitment Therapies for psychological problems following acquired brain injuries Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21, 250-276.
  • de Sousa, A., McDonald, S., Rushby, J., Li, S., Dimoska, A. & James, C. (2011) Understanding deficits in empathy after Traumatic Brain Injury: The role of affective responsivity, Cortex , 47, 526-535.
  • Salmon, K., Mewton, L., Pipe, M & McDonald, S. (2011) Asking Parents to Prepare Children for an Event: Altering Parental Instructions Influences Children's Recall, Journal of Cognition and Development, 12, 80-102. doi: 10.1080/15248372.2010.496708
  • Dimoska, A. McDonald S., Kelly, M. & Johnstone, S. & Tate, R.L. (2011) A meta-analysis of response inhibition and Stroop interference control deficits in adults with traumatic brain injury Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology , 33 (4), 471-485
  • McDonald, S., Li, S., De Sousa, A. , Rushby, J., Dimoska, A., James, C. & Tate, R. L. (2011) Impaired mimicry response to angry faces following severe traumatic brain injury Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 33, 17-29. doi: 10.1080/13803391003761967


  • de Sousa, A., McDonald, S., Rushby, J., Li, S, Dimoska, A. & James, C. (2010) Why don't you feel how I feel? Insight into the absence of empathy after severe Traumatic Brain Injury Neuropsychologia, 48: 3585-3595
  • Sparks, A., McDonald, S., Lino, B., O'Donnell, M., Green, M.J. (2010) Social cognition, empathy and functional outcome in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 122, 172-178
  • McDonald, S., Hunt, C., Henry, J., Dimoska, A., & Bornhofen, C. (2010) Angry responses to emotional events: the role of impaired control and drive in people with severe traumatic brain injury, Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 32, 855-864
  • McDonald, S. (2010) Dogs and other metaphors: reflections on the influence of Mark Ylvisaker. Seminars in Speech and Language, 31, 168-176
  • Togher, L., Power, E., McDonald, S., Tate, R., Rietdijk, R (2010) Measuring the social interactions of people with traumatic brain injury (TBI) and their communication partners: the adapted Kagan scales, Aphasiology, 24, 914-927
  • Togher, L., Power, E., McDonald, S., Tate, R. & Rietdijk, R. (2010). TBI Express: A communication training program for everyday communication partners of people with traumatic brain injury. Australian Communication Quarterly, 12 (2), 82-84
  • Dimoska, A., McDonald, S., Pell, M.C, Tate, R.L, & James, C.M. (2010) Recognising vocal expressions of emotion following traumatic brain injury: Is the 'what' more important than the 'how'? Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16, 369-382


  • Togher, L., McDonald, S., Tate, R.L., Power, E. & Rietdijk, R. (2009) Training communication partners of people with traumatic brain injury: Reporting the protocol for a clinical trial Brain Impairment, 10, 118-204
  • Togher, L., Shultz, R., Tate, R., McDonald, S., Perdices, M., Smith, K., Winders, K. & Savage, S. (2009) The methodological quality of aphasia research: an investigation using the PsycBITE evidence based practice database. Aphasiology, 23, 693-706
  • Henry, J.D., Phillips, L., Beatty, B., McDonald, S., Longley, W., Joscelyne, A., Rendell, P. Affect recognition, theory of mind and executive control in multiple sclerosis, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society (2009) 15, 277-285
  • Henry, J. D., Green, M. J., Restuccia, C., de Lucia, A., Rendell, P. G., McDonald, S., & Grisham, J. R. (2009). Emotion dysregulation and schizotypy. Psychiatry Research, 166, 116-124.
  • McDonald, S., Bornhofen, C. & Hunt, C. (2009) Enhancing emotion recognition after severe traumatic brain injury: the role of focused attention and mimicry. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 7, 1-9.


  • Salmon, K., Champion, F., Pipe, M-E., Mewton, L., McDonald, S. (2008) The child in time: The influence of parent-child discussion about a future experience on how it is remembered. Memory, 16(5), 485-499.
  • Long, E. & McDonald, S., Tate, R.L., Togher, L. & Bornhofen, C. (2008) Obtaining a valid estimate of social functioning in individuals with a traumatic brain injury: The Social Performance Survey Schedule. Brain Impairment, 9, 283-290
  • McDonald, S., Tate, R., Togher, L., Bornhofen, C., Long, E., Gertler, P. Bowen, R. (2008) Social skills treatment for people with severe, chronic acquired brain injuries. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89, 1648-1659
  • Bornhofen, C. & McDonald, S. (2008) Emotion perception deficits following traumatic brain injury: A review of the evidence and rationale for intervention. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 14, 511-525.
  • Henry, J.D, Ruffman, T., McDonald, S., Peek O'Leary, M, Phillips, L. Brodaty, H., Rendell, P. (2008) Recognition of disgust is selectively preserved in Alzheimer's disease. Neuropsychologia, 46, 1363-1370.
  • Henry, J.D., Rendell, P. Green, M.G. McDonald, S. & O'Donnell, M. (2008) Emotion regulation in schizophrenia: Affective, social and clinical correlates of suppression and reappraisal. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117, 473-478
  • Tate, R.L., McDonald, S. Perdices, M., Togher, L., Schultz, R. & Savage, S. (2008) Rating the methodological quality of single subject designs and n-of-1 trials: reliability and validity of the PsycBITE scale. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 18, 1-17
  • Bornhofen, C. & McDonald, S. (2008) Comparison of two approaches to remediating emotion perception deficits after severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 23,103-115.
  • Bornhofen, C. & McDonald, S. (2008) Evaluation of an emotion treatment program for people with severe traumatic brain injury, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 18, 22-44.


  • Henry, J.D., de Lucia, A., Restuccia, C., Green, M.J. McDonald, S. & O'Donnell, M. (2007) Emotion dysregulation in schizophrenia: Reduced amplification of emotional expression is associated with emotional blunting. Schizophrenia Research, 95, 197-204
  • McDonald, S. (2007) The social, emotional and cultural life of the orbitofrontal cortex. Brain Impairment, 8, 41-51.
  • Nash, S., Henry, J.D., McDonald, S., Martin, I., Brodaty, H., & Peek-O'Leary, M. (2007) Cognitive disinhibition and socioemotional functioning in Alzheimer's disease Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 13, 1060-1064


  • McDonald, S., Bornhofen, C., Shum, D., Long, E. Saunders, C., Neulinger, K. (2006) Reliability and validity of 'The Awareness of Social Inference Test' (TASIT): A clinical test of social perception. Disability and Rehabilitation, 28, 1529-1542.
  • Martin, I. & McDonald, S. (2006) That can't be right! What causes pragmatic language impairment following right hemisphere damage? Brain Impairment, 7, 202-211.
  • McDonald, S. & Togher, L. (2006) The new age of communication research: Discourse, cognition and behaviour. Brain Impairment, 7, 169-174
  • Hilton T. M., Parker, G. McDonald, S, Heruc, G. A, Olley, A, Brotchie, H., Friend, C., Walsh,W. (2006) A validation study of two brief measures of depression in the cardiac population: the DMI-10 and DMI-18. Psychosomatics, 47, 129-135
  • McDonald, Skye, Tate, Robyn, Togher, Leanne, Perdices, Michael, Mosely, Anne, Winders, Kiri, Shultz, Regina, Smith, Kate. (2006) Improving evidence-based practice in neuropsychological rehabilitation: Introducing PsycBITETM. Aphasiology, 20, 676-683.
  • Perdices, M., Schultz, R., Tate, R., McDonald, S., Togher, L., Savage, S., Winders, K. and Smith, K. (2006) The Evidence Base of Neuropsychological Rehabilitation in Acquired Brain Impairment (ABI): How Good is the Research? Brain Impairment, 7,119-132
  • Saunders, C., McDonald, S. & Richardson, R. (2006) Loss of emotional experience after traumatic brain injury? Findings with the startle probe procedure. Neuropsychology, 20, 224-231.
  • Tate, R., Moseley, A., Perdices, M., McDonald, S. Togher, L., Schultz, R. Savage, S. and Winders, K. (2006) Update on the Cicerone et al. (2005) update: the PsycBITETM perspective (Letter) Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 87, 446.


  • Hodgson, J., McDonald, S., Tate, R. & Gertler, P. (2005) A randomised controlled trial of a cognitive-behavioural therapy program for managing social anxiety after acquired brain injury Brain Impairment, 6, 169-180.
  • McDonald, S., Saunders, C. (2005) Differential impairment in recognition of emotion from still, dynamic and multi-modal displays in people with severe TBI. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 11, 392-399.
  • Bibby, H. & McDonald, S. (2005) Theory of Mind after traumatic brain injury Neuropsychologia, 43, 99-114. (Advertised by the journal as its 7th most read article in Jan-June 2005).
  • Croker, V. & McDonald, S. (2005) Recognition of emotion from facial expression following traumatic brain injury Brain Injury, 19, 787-789.
  • Martin, I., and McDonald, S. (2005) Exploring the causes of pragmatic language deficits following traumatic brain injury Aphasiology 19, 712-730.
  • McDonald, S. (2005) Are you laughing or crying? Deficits in emotion perception following severe traumatic brain injury Brain Impairment, 6, 56-67.
  • Rendle, V., McDonald, S., & Salmon, K. (2005) Facilitation of memory for events by photographic review for survivors of traumatic brain injury. Brain Impairment, 6, 90-100.


  • Martin, I., and McDonald, S. (2004) Weak coherence or theory of mind: What causes non-literal language to be misunderstood by high functioning individuals with autism? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 34, 311-328.
  • McDonald, S., & Flanagan, S. (2004) Social perception deficits after Traumatic Brain Injury: The interaction between emotion recognition, mentalising ability and social communication. Neuropsychology 18, 572-579.
  • McDonald, S., Flanagan, Martin, I. & Saunders, C. (2004) The ecological validity of TASIT: A test of social perception, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14, 205-302.
  • Tate, R.L. Perdices, M., McDonald, S., Togher, L., Moseley, A., Winders, K., Kangas, M., Schultz, R. & Smith, K. (2004) Development of a database of rehabilitation therapies for the psychological consequences of acquired brain impairment Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 14, 517-534.
  • Togher, L., Tate, R., McDonald, S., Perdices, M. & Moseley, A. (2004) Which treatment works? Accessing the best available evidence is now easier than you think! ACQuiring Knowledge in Speech, Language and Hearing. 6, 85-88.
  • Togher, L, McDonald, S., Code, C. & Grant, S. (2004) Training the communication partners of people with traumatic brain injury: A randomised control study. Aphasiology, 18, 313-335.


  • McDonald, S. (2003) Psychosocial deficits after traumatic brain injury. Let's get social! Brain Impairment, 4, 36-47
  • McDonald, S., Flanagan, S., Rollins, J. & Kinch, J. (2003) TASIT: A New Clinical Tool for Assessing Social Perception after traumatic brain injury Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 18, 219-238.
  • McDonald, S. (2003) Book Review: Assessment of Aphasia by O.Spreen and A.Risser, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 13, 559-562
  • Martin, I., and McDonald, S. (2003) Weak coherence, no theory of mind, or executive dysfunction? Solving the Puzzle of Pragmatic Language Disorders Brain and Language, 85, 451-466 (Most downloaded article in Brain and Language for 2003)


  • Bowen, R. and McDonald, S. (2002) Recognition of Natural Expressions of Emotion by CVA Patients with Damage to the Left or Right Hemisphere. Brain Impairment 3, 42-53
  • McDonald, S. (2002) Assessing communication disturbances after traumatic brain injury: A cognitive-pragmatic approach. Psychologie de l'interaction, 13-14, 47-74. ISBN 2-7475-2692-5.


  • Kinch, J. & McDonald, S. (2001) Traumatic brain injury and prospective memory: An examination of the influences of executive function and retrospective memory Brain Impairment, 2, 119-130.
  • Turkstra, L., McDonald, S. & DePompei, R. (2001) Social information processing in adolescents: Data from normally-developing adolescents and preliminary data from their peers with traumatic brain injury. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 16, 469-483.
  • Wachala, A., McDonald, S., Cranney, J. & McMahon, M. (2001) Cognitive flexibility in the normal elderly and in dementia patients as measured by the Trail Making Test. Brain Impairment, 2, 1-21.


  • McDonald, S. (2000) Editorial: Putting communication deficits in context after traumatic brain injury. Special edition: Advances in understanding communication disorders in traumatic brain injury Aphasiology, 14, 339-348.
  • McDonald, S. (2000) Neuropsychological studies of sarcasm Metaphor and Symbol 15, 85-98.
  • McDonald, S. (2000) Exploring the cognitive basis of right hemisphere language disorders. Brain and Language, 75, 82-107.
  • Darke, S., Sims, J., McDonald, S. & Wickes, W. (2000) Cognitive impairment among methadone maintenance patients. Addiction, 95 687-695.
  • Palmer, H.M & McDonald, S. (2000) The role of frontal and temporal lobe processes in prospective remembering Brain and Cognition, 44, 103-107.


  • McDonald, S. (1999) Exploring the process of inference generation in sarcasm: A review of normal and clinical studies. Brain and Language, 68, 486-506.


  • McDonald, S. Schema: (1998) A worthy project as yet underspecified, overestimated and unproven. Clinical Forum. Aphasiology, 12, 1076-1080.
  • McDonald, S. and Pearce, S. (1998) Requests that overcome listener reluctance: Impairment associated with executive dysfunction in brain injury Brain and Language, 61, 88-104.
  • McDonald, S. and Turkstra, L. (1998) Adolescents with traumatic brain injury: Issues in the assessment of pragmatic language Clinical Linguistics and Phoenetics, 12, 237-248.
  • Pearce, S., McDonald, S. & Coltheart, M. (1998) Ability to process ambiguous advertisements after frontal lobe damage Brain and Cognition, 38, 150-164.
  • Tate, R.L., McDonald, S. & Lulham, J.L. (1998) Incidence of hospital treated traumatic brain injury in an Australian community. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 22, 11-15. Cited by the World Health Organization Task Force on Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (Carroll et al., 2004) in support of a redefinition of mild traumatic brain injury


  • McDonald, S. (1997) Book Review: The Blackwell Dictionary of Neuropsychology. Aphasiology, 11, 927-928.


  • McDonald, S. and Pearce, S. (1996) Clinical insights into pragmatic language theory: The case of sarcasm. Brain and Language, 53, 81-104.
  • McDonald, S. (1996) Hypothesis testing in neuropsychology in context: Another response to the neuropsychology debate. Australian Psychologist 31, 73-75.
  • Turkstra, L., McDonald, S. & Kaufman, P. (1996) A test of pragmatic language function in traumatically brain-injured adolescents Brain Injury 10, 329-345.


  • McDonald, S. and Pearce, S. (1995) The Dice game: A new test of organisational skills in language. Brain Injury, 9, 255-271.
  • Flanagan, S., McDonald, S. & Togher, L. (1995) Evaluation of the BRISS as a measure of social skills in the traumatically brain injured. Brain Injury, 9, 321-338.
  • Tate, R.L. and McDonald, S. (1995) What is apraxia: The clinician's dilemma. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 5, 273-297.


  • McDonald, S., Tate, R.L. & Rigby, J. (1994) Error types in Ideomotor Apraxia: A qualitative analysis. Brain and Cognition, 25, 250-270.


  • McDonald, S. (1993) Major Review. Viewing the brain sideways? Right hemisphere versus anterior models of non-aphasic language disorders. Aphasiology, 7, 535-549.
  • McDonald, S., (1993) Pragmatic language loss following closed head injury: Inability to meet the informational needs of the listener. Brain and Language, 44, 28-46.
  • McDonald, S. (1993) Book Review. E. Perecman (Ed) (1989) Integrating Theory and Practice in Clinical Neuropsychology. Aphasiology, 7, 315-318.
  • McDonald, S. and van Sommers, P. (1993) Differential pragmatic language loss following closed head injury: Ability to negotiate requests. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 10, 297-315.


  • McDonald, S., (1992) Communication disorders following closed head injury: New approaches to assessment and rehabilitation. Brain Injury, 6, 283-292.
  • McDonald, S., (1992) Differential pragmatic language loss following closed head injury: Ability to comprehend conversational implicature. Applied Psycholinguistics, 13, 295-312.
  • McDonald, S., and Wales, R., (1986). An investigation of the ability to process inferences in language following right hemisphere brain damage Brain and Language, 29, 68- 80.