Punjabi translation of the DASS21


This translation was carried out by Mr. Vipan Chaudhary.


Download Punjabi DASS21 questionnaire


Scoring:  The items are in the same order as the English DASS.  The English DASS scoring template will not match the layout of the Punjabi questionnaire, but it will indicate which items contribute to each scale.


Translation process:

The translation was carried out by Mr. Vipan Chaudhary as part of his PhD project 'Correlates of Resilience among Farmers in Punjab' at Punjab University Chandigarh.

The scale was firstly translated into Punjabi by three bilingual experts, and then back-translated by three independent bilingual experts. Modifications were made on the basis of comparison with the original scale by two psychologists. This version was tested on 30 farmers to assess the ease of understanding. Wherever the farmers reported any difficulty, the issue was discussed with the linguistic experts and further modifications were made, leading to the final version.



Vipan Chaudhary, M.A (Psychology)

Research Scholar (2018)

Department of Psychology

Punjab University Chandigarh,160014

Chandigarh, INDIA


Email: vipanchaudhary87@gmail.com

Mobile +919876160207.

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