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Seizova-Cajic, T., & Gillam, B. (2006). Biases in judgments of separation and orientation of elements belonging to different clusters. Vision Research, 46, 2525-2534.

Spehar, B., & Gillam, B. (2002). Modal completion in the Poggendorff Illusion: Support for the Depth-Processing Theory. Psychological Science, 13(4), 306-312.

Gillam, B. (1998). Illusions at Century's End. In J. Hochberg (Ed.) Perception and Cognition at Century's End in the series The Handbook of Cognition and Perception 2nd Edition (Series eds. E. Carterette & M. Friedman). (pp89-93). Academic Press

Gillam, B., & Chambers, D. (1985). Size and position are incongruous: measurements on the Müller-Lyer figure. Perception & Psychophysics, 37(6), 549-556.

Gillam, B. (1980). Geometrical illusions. Scientific American, 242(1), 101-111. Reprinted in Rock, I. (Ed.) (1990). The Perceptual World. New York: W.H. Freeman Reprinted in Wolfe, J. (Ed.) (1986). The Mind's Eye. New York: W.H. Freeman.

Gillam, B. (1978). A constancy-scaling theory of the Muller-Lyer illusion. In J.P. Sutcliffe (Ed.), Conceptual Analysis and Method in Psychology, (pp57-70). University of Sydney Press.

Gillam, B.J. (1977). Illusions. In B. Wolman (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of Neurology, Psychiatry, and Psychology, V.5 (pp479-484). New York: Van-Nostrand - Rineholt - Aesculapius.

Gillam, B.J. (1975). The nature of constancy scaling in the Ponzo and related illusions. Perception and Psychophysics, 14(2), 353-357.

Gillam, B.J. (1971). A depth processing theory of the Poggendorff Illusion. Perception & Psychophysics, 10(4a), 211-216.